मूत्र विकार मूत्राघात यानि पेशाब का बंद हो जाना -Urinary disorder cystitis
मूत्राघात और मूत्रकृच्छ्ता में लगभग समानता है। अंतर सिर्फ इतना है की मूत्रकृच्छ्ता में मूत्र होता है भले ही कम में हो जबकि मूत्राघात में पेशाब होना बिलकुल बंद जाता है। मूत्रकृच्छ्ता से मूत्राघात अधिक गंभीर और घातक होता है । गुर्दे में पथरी, अत्यधिक धुप लग जाना, हैजा तथा अन्य कारणों से शरीर का निर्लिजीकरण ,पेडू प्रदेश पर आकस्मिक चोट आदि बहुत से कारण जिनसे मूत्राघात की समस्या हो सकती है।
यह जान लेना आवश्यक है की बहुमूत्रता की बनिस्पत मूत्राघात यानि पेशाब का बंद हो जाना यह जान लेवा बीमारी अत्यंत ही कष्टदायक और घातक होता है ।
गुर्दे में पथरी , अत्यधिक धुप लग जाना हैजा या अन्य कारणों से शरीर का
निर्जलीकरण पेडू प्रदेश पर आकश्मिक चोट आदि बहुत कारण है जिनसे मूत्राघात
हो सकता है ।
पेट में भारीपन, सर दर्द ज्यादा देर तक बूखार लग जाना आदि लक्षण उत्पन्न होते है । कभी कभी मूत्राघात के कारण रोगी की मृत्यु तक हो जाती है ।
रात में एक दो बादाम जल में भिगों दें । शुबह गुलाब के फूलों के साथ पीसकर ठंढे दूध के साथ सेवन करें। ,इससे काफी राहत मिलेगी ।

अरंडी का तेल 25 से 50 ग्राम तक थोड़े से गर्म पानी में मिलाकर पिलायें आधे घंट के अंदर पेशाब खुल जायेगा ।एक तोला यानि 12 ग्राम लौकी यानि कद्दू का रस , 2 ग्राम कलमी शोरा तथा 25 ग्राम मिश्री को 250 ग्राम पानी में मिलाकर दिन में दो बार पिलायें , मूत्राघात से काफी राहत मिलेगी ।
मूत्र मार्ग अवरुद्ध होने पर अथवा पथरी के कारण मूत्रेन्द्रिय से रक्तश्राव होने पर रात को कोरे मिटटी के बर्तन में भीगें हुआ साबुत धनियां को शुबह मसलकर कपडे से छान लें फिर समुचित मात्रा में बतासा मिलाकर दो दो घंटे के अंतर से रोगी को पिलाते रहें । पेशाब में जलन, रूकावट, दर्द , बेचैनी या रक्तश्राव आदि से मुक्ति मिल जाएगी
तरबूज के सेवन से अनेक मूत्र विकार दूर हो जातें है । पीलिया या गुर्दे की पथरी ठीक हो जाती है । यदि पेशाब में जलन हो तो तरबूज के रस में चीनी मिलाकर पीने से काफी राहत मिलती है । और इससे मुुत्रेन्दीय के घाव भी ठीक हो जाते है ।
यदि पेशाब रुक
रुक कर आता हो तो एक कप नाशपाती का रस शुबह शाम पीने से अथवा दो नाशपाती
प्रतिदिन शुबह शाम खाने से पेशाब खुलकर आता है ।
छोटी इलाइची के दाने पीसकर दूध के साथ लेने से पेशाब खुलकर आती है । और मूत्र मार्ग की जलन शांत हो जाती है ।
Urinary disorder cystitis
Urination and urination is almost similar. The only difference is that urine contains urine even if
In short, urination in a stroke is completely stopped. Diabetes is more serious than urine
Is fatal. Kidney stones, excessive sunburn, cholera and sterilization of the body due to other reasons, accidental injury to the pelvic region, etc. are many reasons which can cause problems of stroke.
It is necessary to know that the urinary bladder, that is, the discontinuation of urine, in addition to diabetes
The disease is very painful and fatal. Kidney stones, excessive sunburn, cholera or other reasons
Due to dehydration of the body, accidental injury on the pelvic region is very much due to which stroke can occur.
Symptoms are caused by heaviness in the stomach, head ache and long-term dryness. Sometimes of diuresis
The cause is until the death of the patient.
Soak two almonds in water at night. Grind it with rose flowers and eat it with frosting milk. , This will provide great relief.

Mix 25 to 50 grams of castor oil in a little warm water and give it a drink within half an hour.
Mix one gram weighing 12 grams gourd i.e. pumpkin juice, 2 grams Kalmi Chora and 25 grams sugar candy in 250 grams of water and drink it twice a day, will give great relief from stroke.
When the urinary tract is blocked or due to stones bleeding from the urinary tract, mash the whole coriander soaked in a pot of clay overnight and sieve it with cloth, then mix the appropriate amount of betsa and keep the patient fed with a difference of two hours. You will get relief from urination, obstruction, pain, discomfort or bleeding etc.
Many urinary disorders are overcome with the consumption of watermelon. Jaundice or kidney stones are cured. If there is a burning sensation in the urine, drinking sugar mixed with watermelon juice gives great relief. And it also cures wounds of the mutant.
If the urine comes to a halt, the urine comes out easily by drinking one cup of pear juice in the evening or by eating two pears per evening.
Grind small cardamom seeds and take it with milk, urine comes out easily. And urinary tract irritation becomes calm.

Urination and urination is almost similar. The only difference is that urine contains urine even if
In short, urination in a stroke is completely stopped. Diabetes is more serious than urine
Is fatal. Kidney stones, excessive sunburn, cholera and sterilization of the body due to other reasons, accidental injury to the pelvic region, etc. are many reasons which can cause problems of stroke.
It is necessary to know that the urinary bladder, that is, the discontinuation of urine, in addition to diabetes
The disease is very painful and fatal. Kidney stones, excessive sunburn, cholera or other reasons
Due to dehydration of the body, accidental injury on the pelvic region is very much due to which stroke can occur.
Symptoms are caused by heaviness in the stomach, head ache and long-term dryness. Sometimes of diuresis
The cause is until the death of the patient.
Soak two almonds in water at night. Grind it with rose flowers and eat it with frosting milk. , This will provide great relief.

Mix 25 to 50 grams of castor oil in a little warm water and give it a drink within half an hour.
Mix one gram weighing 12 grams gourd i.e. pumpkin juice, 2 grams Kalmi Chora and 25 grams sugar candy in 250 grams of water and drink it twice a day, will give great relief from stroke.
When the urinary tract is blocked or due to stones bleeding from the urinary tract, mash the whole coriander soaked in a pot of clay overnight and sieve it with cloth, then mix the appropriate amount of betsa and keep the patient fed with a difference of two hours. You will get relief from urination, obstruction, pain, discomfort or bleeding etc.
Many urinary disorders are overcome with the consumption of watermelon. Jaundice or kidney stones are cured. If there is a burning sensation in the urine, drinking sugar mixed with watermelon juice gives great relief. And it also cures wounds of the mutant.
If the urine comes to a halt, the urine comes out easily by drinking one cup of pear juice in the evening or by eating two pears per evening.
Grind small cardamom seeds and take it with milk, urine comes out easily. And urinary tract irritation becomes calm.

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