पथरी , स्टोन एवम इसके उपचार -Stones, stone and its treatment
आम के पत्ते छाया में सुखाकर पीसकर चूर्ण बना लें । दिन में तीन बार गर्म जल के साथ सेवन करने से पथरी गल कर निकल जाती है ।
गुर्दे की पथरी होने पर आलू का प्रतिदिन सेवन करें , रोगी को बार बार आलू खिलाकर पानी पीलातें रहें ।पथरी पेशाब के साथ बाहर निकल जाएगी ।
35 ग्राम मूली के बीज को आधा लीटर पानी में उबालें आधा शेष रहने पर छानकर पी जाएँ । कुछ दिनों के लगातार प्रयोग करने से मूत्राशय की पथरी गल कर बाहर निकल जाती है ।
पालक का रस पिलाने से पथरी गल कर बाहर निकल जाती है । इससे पुराण कब्ज भी ठीक होता है ।
आँतों के रोग से छुटकारा मिलता है । पित्त ज्वर, हिस्टीरिया , उन्माद , पीलिया रोग समाप्त हो जाता है ।
गेहूं और चने को उबालकर उसका पानी लगातार पानी पीने से मूत्राशय और गुर्दे की पथरी गल कर बाहर निकल जाती है ।

जौ का पानी पीने से मूत्राशय की पथरी गल कर बाहर निकल जाती है । पथरी के रोगी को जौ से बने पदार्थ भी लेने चाहिए ।
मूत्राशय और गुर्दे की पथरी में रात में चने की दाल भिगोकर शुबह इसमें शहद मिलाकर खाने से पथरी गल कर बाहर निकल जाती है ।
कुछ दिनों तक थोड़ी सी अजवायन फांककर ऊपर से ताजा जल पीने से मूत्राशय की पथरी गल कर बाहर निकल जाती है ।
छोटी इलाइची के सेवन से पथरी मूत्र में जलन , दमा , खांसी, हिचकी आदि में लाभ होता है ।
चीनी और जीरा सम भाग मिलाकर पीस लें । इसकी एक एक चमच फंकी रोज लेने से पथरी में काफी आराम मिलता है ।
एक कप खीरे का रस दिन में दो तीन बार पीने से पथरी गल कर बाहर निकल जाती है ।
पके हुआ जामुन का रस पियें या जामुन के गुठली का चूर्ण खाएं । पथरी गल कर नष्ट हो जाएगी ।
गुर्दे के रोगों में ककड़ी और गाजर का रस पीने से गुर्दे के रोग ठीक हो जाते है ।
200 ग्राम प्याज का रस और 20 ग्राम मिश्री मिलाकर पीएं । पित्ताशय की पथरी के लिए रामबाण है ।
इलाइची , शिलाजीत, , पीपल 5 -5 ग्राम लेकर चूर्ण बना लें तथा 10 ग्राम मिश्री मिलाकर एक चमच की मात्रा शुबह शाम पानी के साथ लें । यह पथरी की रामबाण औषधि है ।
Stones, stone and its treatment
Dry mango leaves in shade and grind it to make powder. Drinking stones with hot water thrice a day removes stones.
In case of kidney stones, consume potato daily, feed potato again and again and keep water yellow.
Stones will pass out with urine.

Boil 35 grams of radish seeds in half a liter of water, filtering and drinking after remaining half. After continuous use for a few days, the stones of the bladder melt and come out.
Drinking spinach juice removes stones from the stool. Purana constipation is also cured by this.
Get rid of intestinal diseases. Bile fever, hysteria, mania, jaundice disease are eliminated.
By boiling wheat and gram, drinking its water continuously, the stones of the bladder and kidney go out by melting.
Drinking barley water melts the bladder stones and passes out. Patient should also take barley made material.
By soaking gram lentils in the bladder and kidney stones overnight, eating honey mixed with it, the stones go out by melting.
For a few days, after drinking a little parsley and drinking fresh water from above, the stones of the bladder melt and come out.
Consumption of small cardamom is beneficial in urinary tract burning, asthma, cough, hiccups etc.
Grind the sugar and cumin evenly together. Taking one spoonful of it daily gives a lot of relief in the stones.

Drinking one cup of cucumber juice two or three times a day causes the stones to melt and come out.
Drink juice of ripe berries or eat powder of berries. The stones will be destroyed by melting.
Kidney diseases are cured by drinking cucumber and carrot juice in kidney diseases.
Drink 200 grams of onion juice and 20 grams of sugar candy. There is a panacea for gallstones.
Make a powder by taking 5 grams of cardamom, shilajit, peepal and mix 10 grams sugar candy and take one spoon with water in the evening. It is the panacea of stone.
Dry mango leaves in shade and grind it to make powder. Drinking stones with hot water thrice a day removes stones.
In case of kidney stones, consume potato daily, feed potato again and again and keep water yellow.
Stones will pass out with urine.

Boil 35 grams of radish seeds in half a liter of water, filtering and drinking after remaining half. After continuous use for a few days, the stones of the bladder melt and come out.
Drinking spinach juice removes stones from the stool. Purana constipation is also cured by this.
Get rid of intestinal diseases. Bile fever, hysteria, mania, jaundice disease are eliminated.
By boiling wheat and gram, drinking its water continuously, the stones of the bladder and kidney go out by melting.
Drinking barley water melts the bladder stones and passes out. Patient should also take barley made material.
By soaking gram lentils in the bladder and kidney stones overnight, eating honey mixed with it, the stones go out by melting.
For a few days, after drinking a little parsley and drinking fresh water from above, the stones of the bladder melt and come out.
Consumption of small cardamom is beneficial in urinary tract burning, asthma, cough, hiccups etc.
Grind the sugar and cumin evenly together. Taking one spoonful of it daily gives a lot of relief in the stones.

Drinking one cup of cucumber juice two or three times a day causes the stones to melt and come out.
Drink juice of ripe berries or eat powder of berries. The stones will be destroyed by melting.
Kidney diseases are cured by drinking cucumber and carrot juice in kidney diseases.
Drink 200 grams of onion juice and 20 grams of sugar candy. There is a panacea for gallstones.
Make a powder by taking 5 grams of cardamom, shilajit, peepal and mix 10 grams sugar candy and take one spoon with water in the evening. It is the panacea of stone.
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