मसाला , औषधि और गुणकारी है छोटी सी लौंग -Spices, medicine and small cloves are beneficial
भारतीय परिवारों की रसोई में लगभग सभी मसाले
जहाँ अपनी अनोखे स्वाद और खुशबु के कारण अपना स्थान रखते है वहीँ मसाले
ऐसे गुणों से भरपूर है। किसी भी भारतीय रसोई को एक डाक्टर का औषधालय भी मान सकते है । इस तरह से अन्य सभी मसालों की तरह छोटी सी लौंग अपनी विशेष आकृति और गुणों के कारण खास तौर से पसंद की जाती है।लौंग की शुद्धता की पहचान : लौंग में अर्क निकली हुई लौंग मिला देते है। यदि झुर्रियां पड़ी हो तो समझ जाएँ की इसमें अर्क निकली हुई लौंग है। अच्छी लौंग में झुर्रियां नहीं होती है लौंग दर्द में औषदि का काम करती है ।

Nearly all spices in Indian kitchens have their place due to their unique taste and aroma, whereas spices are full of such qualities. Any Indian kitchen can also be considered a doctor's dispensary. In this way, like all other spices, a small clove is particularly liked due to its special shape and properties. Identification of the purity of the cloves: The cloves add the extracted cloves. If there are wrinkles, then understand that there are extracted cloves in it. Good cloves do not have wrinkles, cloves work as a medicine in pain.

Spices, medicine and small cloves are beneficial
Nearly all spices in Indian kitchens have their place due to their unique taste and aroma, whereas spices are full of such qualities. Any Indian kitchen can also be considered a doctor's dispensary. In this way, like all other spices, a small clove is particularly liked due to its special shape and properties. Identification of the purity of the cloves: The cloves add the extracted cloves. If there are wrinkles, then understand that there are extracted cloves in it. Good cloves do not have wrinkles, cloves work as a medicine in pain.
लौंग और अनार के छिलके सामान मात्रा में पीसकर इनका चौथाई चमच शहद में मिलाकर नित्य तीन बार चाटने से खांसी ठीक हो जाती है ।
सर दर्द
लौंग को पीसकर लेप करने से सर दर्द तुरंत ठीक हो जाता है। इसका तेल भी लगाया जा सकता है ।
पांच लौंग पीसकर एक कप पानी में उबालकर गर्म करें तथा आधा कप रहने पर छान कर चीनी मिलाकर पिलायें। शुबह शाम और रात को सोते समय दो बार लेते रहने से सर दर्द ठीक हो जाता है ।
दांत दर्द
दांत में कीड़ा लगने पर लौंग को रखना या लौंग का तेल लगाना चाहिए । पान खाने से जीभ कट गई हो तो एक लौंग रखने से जीभ ठीक हो जाता है। इसलिए सभी दांतों के डाक्टर किसी उपचार के समय लौंग के तेल की फुरेरी लगाते है । जिससे दांत दर्द मिट जाता है ।
गेहेरी आँखों पर छोटी छोटी फुंसियां
आँखों पर छोटी छोटी फुंसियां निकलने पर लौंग घिस कर लगाने से वे बैठ जाती है । तथा सूजन भी कम हो जाता है ।
स्वांस रोग
लौंग मुख में रख कर चूसने से कफ आराम से निकलता है। तथा कफ की दुर्गन्ध दूर हो जाती है। मुख और सांस की दुर्गन्ध भी इससे मिट जाती है ।लौंग को तवे पर भून कर चूसने से खांसी के साथ बलगम आना भी बंद हो जाता है ।
हैजे में लौंग का पानी बनाकर देने से प्यास और वमन कम होकर पेशाब खुल कर आता है ।
गर्भिणी का वमन उल्टी
गर्भावस्था में आम तौर पर महिलाओं को उल्टियां होने लगती है। ऐसी अवस्था में लौंग पीसकर शहद के साथ चटाने से उल्टियां बंद हो जाती है ।
प्यास की तीव्रता होने पर पानी में लौंग डालकर पिलायें इससे प्यास कम हो जाती है ।
खसरा निकलने पर दो लौंग को घिसकर शहद के साथ लेने से खसरा ठीक हो जाता है। यह रामबाण अद्भुत प्रयोग है ।
कुकर खांसी
दो लौंग तवे पर भूनकर शहद में मिलाकर चाटने से कुकर खांसी ठीक हो जाता है ।
जी मचलाना और उल्टी , वमन
पांच लौंग पीसकर आधा कप पानी में उबालकर पिलाने से जी मिचलाना ठीक हो जाता है ।लौंग चबाने से भी जी मिचलाना बंद हो जाता है ।
पांच लौंग कूट पीसकर एक कप पानी में उबालकर आधा रहने पर छान कर स्वाद के अनुसार मीठा मिलाकर पीकर सो जाएँ । दिन भर कम से कम तीन बार लें उल्टियां बंद हो जायेगी ।
पित्त ज्वर
चार लौंग पीसकर पानी में घोलकर पिलांने से तेज ज्वर कम हो जाता है ।
आंत्र ज्वर में लौंग का पानी पिलायें ।
पांच लौंग दो लीटर पानी में उबालकर आधा पानी रहने पर छान लें। इस पानी को नित्य बार बार पिलाने से ज्वर ठीक हो जाता है ।
एक लौंग पीसकर गर्म पानी के साथ फंकी लेने पर सामान्य ज्वर ठीक हो जाता है। ऐसा दिन में तीन बार करें ।
ग्राम हरे आंवले का रस , पीसी हुई लौंग , एक चमच शहद और एक चमच चीनी
मिलाकर रोगी को पिलायें इसे दिन में तीन बार शुबह , शाम रात को
सोते समय पिलायें कुछ ही दिनों में आशातीत लाभ होगा ।
लौंग अग्नि को जलानेवाला पाचक है । नेत्रों के लिए हितकारी , क्षय रोग को नाश करने वाला , लौंग और हल्दी पीसकर लगाने से नासूर ठीक हो जाता है ।
अम्लपित्त से पाचन शक्ति खराब हो जाती है । दांत भी आयु से पहले गिर जाती है। आँखें दुखने लगती है । बार बार जुकाम रहता है। अम्लपित्त से अनेक रोग होते है अम्ल पित्त रोगी को चाय हानिकारक है । खाना खाने के बाद दो लौंग शाम को खाने से या शरबत में लेने से अम्लपित्त में होने वाले सभी रोगों में लाभ होता है ।
Grind the same quantity of cloves and pomegranate peels together with one fourth spoon of honey and lick it thrice daily to cure cough.
head ache
Grind cloves and apply it on the head, the pain is cured immediately. Its oil can also be applied.
Grind five cloves and boil in a cup of water and heat it, and after half a cup, filter it and mix it with sugar. Head pain is cured by taking it twice a day in the evening and at bedtime.
Cloves should be kept or clove oil applied when a tooth worm occurs. If the tongue is cut by eating betel leaf, then keeping a clove helps to cure the tongue. That's why all teeth doctors apply cloves oil during a treatment. Due to which the toothache disappears.
Small pimples on gehari eyes
When small pimples appear on the eyes, clotting the cloves makes them sit. And swelling also decreases.
Respiratory disease
Sucking the clove in the mouth brings out phlegm easily. And phlegm smell goes away. The smell of mouth and breath is also erased from it. Fry longang on a pan and suck it stops coughing up mucus.
By making clove water in cholera, thirst and vomiting reduce urine and open urine.
Womb vomiting
Women usually experience vomiting in pregnancy. In this case, grinding cloves and licking it with honey stops vomiting.
Drink cloves in water after the intensity of thirst, this reduces thirst.
Grinding two cloves with honey on measles is cured by taking measles. This panacea is a wonderful experiment.
Cooker cough
Frying two cloves on a griddle mixed with honey and licking the cooker cures cough.
Nausea and vomiting, vomiting
Grind five cloves and boil in half a cup of water and give it to the patient, it cures nausea. Chewing the cloves also stops nausea.
Grind five cloves code and boil it in a cup of water and filter it in half, and mix it to taste and sleep. Take at least three times a day the vomiting will stop.
Bile fever
Grind four cloves and dissolve them in water and give them a fast fever.
Drink clove water in typhoid.
Boil five cloves in two liters of water and filter when half the water remains. Fever is cured by drinking this water regularly.
Normal fever is cured by grinding a clove and taking it with hot water. Do this three times a day.

Mix 15 grams green gooseberry juice, powdered cloves, one spoon of honey and one spoon of sugar and give it to the patient, drink it thrice a day, in the evening and at bedtime, there will be an expected benefit in a few days.
Clove is a fire burner. Beneficial for the eyes, eliminating tuberculosis, grinding cloves and turmeric and applying canker is cured.
Acidity causes digestive power. The tooth also falls before age. Eyes start hurting There is a cold again and again. Many diseases are caused by acidosis, tea is harmful for the acid bile patient. Eating two cloves in the evening after taking food or taking it in syrup is beneficial in all diseases caused by acidity.
head ache
Grind cloves and apply it on the head, the pain is cured immediately. Its oil can also be applied.
Grind five cloves and boil in a cup of water and heat it, and after half a cup, filter it and mix it with sugar. Head pain is cured by taking it twice a day in the evening and at bedtime.
Cloves should be kept or clove oil applied when a tooth worm occurs. If the tongue is cut by eating betel leaf, then keeping a clove helps to cure the tongue. That's why all teeth doctors apply cloves oil during a treatment. Due to which the toothache disappears.
Small pimples on gehari eyes
When small pimples appear on the eyes, clotting the cloves makes them sit. And swelling also decreases.
Respiratory disease
Sucking the clove in the mouth brings out phlegm easily. And phlegm smell goes away. The smell of mouth and breath is also erased from it. Fry longang on a pan and suck it stops coughing up mucus.
By making clove water in cholera, thirst and vomiting reduce urine and open urine.
Womb vomiting
Women usually experience vomiting in pregnancy. In this case, grinding cloves and licking it with honey stops vomiting.
Drink cloves in water after the intensity of thirst, this reduces thirst.
Grinding two cloves with honey on measles is cured by taking measles. This panacea is a wonderful experiment.
Cooker cough
Frying two cloves on a griddle mixed with honey and licking the cooker cures cough.
Nausea and vomiting, vomiting
Grind five cloves and boil in half a cup of water and give it to the patient, it cures nausea. Chewing the cloves also stops nausea.
Grind five cloves code and boil it in a cup of water and filter it in half, and mix it to taste and sleep. Take at least three times a day the vomiting will stop.
Bile fever
Grind four cloves and dissolve them in water and give them a fast fever.
Drink clove water in typhoid.
Boil five cloves in two liters of water and filter when half the water remains. Fever is cured by drinking this water regularly.
Normal fever is cured by grinding a clove and taking it with hot water. Do this three times a day.

Mix 15 grams green gooseberry juice, powdered cloves, one spoon of honey and one spoon of sugar and give it to the patient, drink it thrice a day, in the evening and at bedtime, there will be an expected benefit in a few days.
Clove is a fire burner. Beneficial for the eyes, eliminating tuberculosis, grinding cloves and turmeric and applying canker is cured.
Acidity causes digestive power. The tooth also falls before age. Eyes start hurting There is a cold again and again. Many diseases are caused by acidosis, tea is harmful for the acid bile patient. Eating two cloves in the evening after taking food or taking it in syrup is beneficial in all diseases caused by acidity.
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