कब्ज कॉन्स्टिपेशन इसके निदान के उपाय Constipation constipation its diagnostic measures
शरीर के तमाम बीमारी के लिए पेट के रोग , कब्ज जिम्मेदार है ।
हमेशा पेट को साफ़ रखें , पेट में मल रहने से सभी प्रकार की बीमारी उत्पन्न होती है
कब्ज को करे बाय बाय ।
शुबह उठते ही खाली पेट गर्म पानी पीना या गर्म पानी में नीबू निचोड़कर पी जाये
कब्ज से राहत मिलेगी ।
एक ग्लास गर्म दूध में 5 ग्राम इसबगोल डालकर पीने से कब्ज की समस्या दूर हो जाती है ।
खाली पेट सलाद खाने से कब्ज की समस्या दूर हो जाती है ।
जब भी खाना खाएं कुछ समय तक अवश्य टहले ।

खाने के समय थोड़ा पानी पीएं एक घंटा बाद भर पेट पानी पीएं ।
खाना खाने के बाद त्रिफला चूर्ण पानी के साथ सेवन करे कब्ज से राहत मिलेगी ।
Constipation constipation its diagnostic measures
Stomach diseases, constipation are responsible for all diseases of the body.
Always keep the stomach clean, all kinds of diseases arise due to stool in the stomach.
Bypass constipation bye.
Drink warm water on empty stomach or squeeze lemon in warm water as soon as it arises
There will be relief from constipation.
Take 5 grams of isabgol in a glass of warm milk and drink it, the problem of constipation is overcome.
Constipation problem is overcome by eating an empty stomach salad.
Whenever you eat food, you must walk for some time.
Drink some water at meals and after an hour drink plenty of stomach water.
Consuming Triphala powder with water after eating food will relieve constipation.
Take 5 grams of isabgol in a glass of warm milk and drink it, the problem of constipation is overcome.

Constipation problem is overcome by eating an empty stomach salad.
Whenever you eat food, you must walk for some time.
Drink some water at meals and after an hour drink plenty of stomach water.
Consuming Triphala powder with water after eating food will relieve constipation.
Constipation constipation its diagnostic measures
Stomach diseases, constipation are responsible for all diseases of the body.
Always keep the stomach clean, all kinds of diseases arise due to stool in the stomach.
Bypass constipation bye.
Drink warm water on empty stomach or squeeze lemon in warm water as soon as it arises
There will be relief from constipation.
Take 5 grams of isabgol in a glass of warm milk and drink it, the problem of constipation is overcome.
Constipation problem is overcome by eating an empty stomach salad.
Whenever you eat food, you must walk for some time.
Drink some water at meals and after an hour drink plenty of stomach water.
Consuming Triphala powder with water after eating food will relieve constipation.
Take 5 grams of isabgol in a glass of warm milk and drink it, the problem of constipation is overcome.

Constipation problem is overcome by eating an empty stomach salad.
Whenever you eat food, you must walk for some time.
Drink some water at meals and after an hour drink plenty of stomach water.
Consuming Triphala powder with water after eating food will relieve constipation.
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