पेचिस- आंव पडना-Screwdriver
पेचिस को आम भाषा में आंव पड़ना भी कहा जाता है । कहीं -कहीं सुदूर देहाती क्षेत्र में इसे मल पड़ना भी कहा जाता है। यह रोग भी अनियमित खानपान तथा अधिक तली भुनी चीजों के खाने से होता है।
इस रोग में पेट में मरोड़, पेट में दर्द होकर झागदार पाखाना होता है। कभी -कभी थोड़ा ज्यादा पाखाना होता है। पाखाना के साथ साथ कभी कभी रक्त भी आ सकता है। बार बार शौच जाने की इच्छा होती है लेकिन हर बार पाखाना नहीं होता है।
250 मि, ली.दूध में आधा चमच सोंठ का चूर्ण डालकर उबालकर सोते समय पियें।
आम की गुठली का चूर्ण एक चमच ठंढे जल के साथ सेवन करें।
आम के पत्तों को छाया में सुखाकर महीन पीसकर चूर्ण बना लें। दिन में तीन - चार बार 5-5 ग्राम की मात्रा में गर्म पानी केसाथ सेवन करें।
दो केले आधा पाव दही के साथ खायें।

लगभग 12 ग्राम इसबगोल पानी के साथ खीर की तरह मिश्री मिलाकर पकायें। प्रतिदिन इसे ताजा ताजा सेवन करें।
छह ग्राम प्याज 125 मि. ली. पानी में उबालकर थोड़ा गुड़ मिलाकर पी जायें।
नीम का पानी उबालकर शुबह शाम सेवन करें।
10 ग्राम मिश्री तथा 10 ग्राम धनिया चूर्ण को एक कप पानी में मिलाकर, इसे नित्य सेवन करें।
250 ग्राम सौंफ ले इसमें से आधा सौंफ को भूनकर पीस लें। फिर दोनों सौंफ तथा मिश्री मिलाकर अच्छी तरह कूट पीसकर कपडे से छानकर रख लें। इसमें से 10 ग्राम की मात्रा पानी के साथ 3 -4 बार नित्य सेवन करें।
जामुन की गुठली तथा आम की गुठली का चूर्ण समान मात्रा में मिलाकर एक चमच रोज दिन में दो बार सेवन करें।
जामुन की छाल का रस दिन में 3 -4 बार सेवन करें।
छोटी हरड़, आम की गुठली, जामुन की गुठली, सबको समान मात्रा में लेकर भूनकर चूर्ण बनाकर कपडे से छान लें। इसमें से दो चमच शुबह शाम सेवन करें। इस प्रयोग से पुरानी से पुरानी पेचिस ठीक हो जाता है।
दही और प्याज का रस मिलाकर सेवन करें।
कैथा के पके फल का गुदा, शहद, जीरा और इलाइची का चूर्ण सबको एक साथ मिलाकर चूर्ण बना लें तथा इसे शुबह, दोपहर, शाम तीनों समय सेवन करें।

Peaches are also called amav in the common language. Somewhere in a remote countryside, it is also called stool. This disease is also caused by irregular eating and eating fried fried things.
In this disease, there is friction in the stomach, pain in the stomach and frothy froth. Sometimes a little more puddling is required. Sometimes blood can also come along with the collection. There is a desire to defecate again and again, but not every time there is a toilet.
Drink half a teaspoon of dry ginger powder in 250 ml, Li. Milk while sleeping.
Drink mango kernels powder with one tablespoon of cold water.
Dry mango leaves under shade and grind them to make a fine powder. Drink 5-5 grams of hot water three to four times a day.
Eat two bananas with half loaf curd.
Cook sugar candy like kheer with about 12 grams of isabgol water. Drink it fresh daily.
Six grams of onion 125 ml Lee Boil in water and drink some jaggery mixed with it.
Boil neem water and consume it in the evening.

Mix 10 grams of sugar and 10 grams of coriander powder in a cup of water and drink it regularly.
Take 250 grams aniseed, roast half aniseed and grind it. Then mix both fennel and sugar candy and grind it well and filter it with cloth. Take 10 grams of this water with water 3-4 times daily.
Mix equal quantity of powder of jambule and mango kernels and take one spoon twice a day.
Drink the juice of the bark of berries 3-4 times a day.
Make a small myrobalan, mango kernels, jamun kernels, roast all in equal quantity and make powder and filter it with cloth. Take two spoons of it in the evening. With this use chronic chronic dysentery is cured.
Take yogurt and onion juice mixed together.
Make the powder of the ripe fruit of Kaitha by mixing the powder of the anus, honey, cumin and cardamom together and consume it at three times in the morning, aft

Peaches are also called amav in the common language. Somewhere in a remote countryside, it is also called stool. This disease is also caused by irregular eating and eating fried fried things.
In this disease, there is friction in the stomach, pain in the stomach and frothy froth. Sometimes a little more puddling is required. Sometimes blood can also come along with the collection. There is a desire to defecate again and again, but not every time there is a toilet.
Drink half a teaspoon of dry ginger powder in 250 ml, Li. Milk while sleeping.
Drink mango kernels powder with one tablespoon of cold water.
Dry mango leaves under shade and grind them to make a fine powder. Drink 5-5 grams of hot water three to four times a day.
Eat two bananas with half loaf curd.
Cook sugar candy like kheer with about 12 grams of isabgol water. Drink it fresh daily.
Six grams of onion 125 ml Lee Boil in water and drink some jaggery mixed with it.
Boil neem water and consume it in the evening.

Mix 10 grams of sugar and 10 grams of coriander powder in a cup of water and drink it regularly.
Take 250 grams aniseed, roast half aniseed and grind it. Then mix both fennel and sugar candy and grind it well and filter it with cloth. Take 10 grams of this water with water 3-4 times daily.
Mix equal quantity of powder of jambule and mango kernels and take one spoon twice a day.
Drink the juice of the bark of berries 3-4 times a day.
Make a small myrobalan, mango kernels, jamun kernels, roast all in equal quantity and make powder and filter it with cloth. Take two spoons of it in the evening. With this use chronic chronic dysentery is cured.
Take yogurt and onion juice mixed together.
Make the powder of the ripe fruit of Kaitha by mixing the powder of the anus, honey, cumin and cardamom together and consume it at three times in the morning, aft
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