बांझपन यानी मातृत्व सुख से वंचित कारण व समाधान -Infertility means maternity pleasures, causes and solutions
के विकार तथा कुछ महत्वपूर्ण हार्मोन्स की कमी के कारण मातृत्व सुख से
वंचित होना अथवा मातृत्व सुख की प्राप्ति विलम्ब से होना । कभी कभी शादी से पहले छोटी उम्र में गर्भपात कराने से भी शादी के बाद गर्भ नहीं ठहरता। बच्चा पैदा करने में असमर्थ होना ही बाँझपन है ।
बांझपन में सहजन वृक्ष का हर अंग प्रत्यंग लाभदायक होता है ।किसी
भी रूप में सहजन का प्रयोग अगर बांझ स्त्री करे तो निश्चित ही गर्भवती
हो जाएगी तथा बांझ कहलाने के ताने नहीं सुनने पड़ेंगें ।
चमेली की जड़ , चंपा के फूल तथा जीरे को सुखाकर कूट पीसकर चूर्ण बना लें। मासिक धर्म आरम्भ होने के तीन दिन पहले चूर्ण को खाकर ऊपर से पानी पी लें । कुछ दिनों तक इसका इसका नियमित सेवन करने से बांझपन दूर होकर होकर गर्भ ठहर जायेगा।
पीपल , सोंठ , काली मिर्च, तथा नागकेसर सभी सामग्री 10 -10 ग्राम की मात्रा लेकर खूब महीन चूर्ण बना लें। इस चूर्ण को शुबह शाम देशी घी के साथ नियमित रूप से कम से कम छः महीने तक सेवन करें। गर्भाधान अवश्य हो जायेगा।

पीपल का पका फल छांव में सुखाकर चूर्ण बना लें तथा कपडे से छान लें। 10 ग्राम चूर्ण नित्य गाय के गुनगुने दूध के साथ बांझ स्त्री को नित्य पिलावे । इसे मासिक धर्म आने के बाद से शुरू क म से कम 15 दिनों तक लगातार सेवन करें ।
का , चूर्ण घी तथा दूध को एक साथ मिलाकर कुछ दिनों तक नियमित सेवन करने
से गर्भाशय की विकृति ख़त्म होकर बाँझ स्त्री को मातृत्व सुख मिलता है।
गोरोचन तीन ग्राम , गजपीपल 10 ग्राम तथा असगंध 10 ग्राम तीनों औषधियों को कूट पीसकर महीन कपड़छान चूर्ण बना लें । मासिक धर्म की चौथे दिन से लगातार 5 दिनों तक गाय की दूध के साथ चूर्ण का सेवन करें। गर्भ अवश्य ठहर जायेगा ।
25 ग्राम पीपल की ताजी कोमल जटा को कूट लें। इसे आधा लीटर दूध में पकायें । 250 ग्राम दूध शेष रह जाने पर छान लें । इसमें शकर और शहद मिलाकर मासिक धर्म के 5 वे दिन से खाना प्रारम्भ करें। कम से कम दस दिनों तक नियमित रूप से सेवन करने से बाँझ स्त्री को भी गर्भ ठहर जाता है।
मासिक धर्म के समय तुलसी के बीजों का काढ़ा बनाकर नित्य पीने से निश्चय ही गर्भ धारण होगा।
जायफल को कूट पीसकर छानकर उसमें बराबर की मात्रा में मिश्री मिलाकर रख लें। मासिक धर्म के बाद तीन दिनों तक लगातार दो चमच चूर्ण का सेवन करें।
सुपारी और नागकेसर इनकी समान मात्रा में लेकर चूर्ण बना लें । इसमें 5 -5 ग्राम की मात्रा में पानी के साथ सेवन करें ।
सावधानी एवम बचाव
खट्टे मीठे तीखे और तैलीय पदार्थों का सेवन कम से कम करें।
हार्मोन्स की कमी होने पर उस हार्मोन्स को संतुलित करने वाले पदार्थों का सेवन करें।
पौष्टिक एवम संतुलित भोजन करें। नित्य ब्यायाम करें ।
Deprivation of maternal pleasure or delayed attainment of maternal pleasure due to uterine disorders and deficiency of certain important hormones. Sometimes, abortion at a young age before marriage does not prevent pregnancy after marriage. Being unable to have a child is sterility.
Every part of the drumstick tree is beneficial in infertility. If an infertile woman uses any form of drumstick, then surely she will become pregnant and will not have to listen to taunts called infertile.
Dry jasmine root, Champa flower and cumin seeds and grind them to make powder. Three days before the start of menstruation, eat the powder and drink water from above. By taking it regularly for a few days, infertility will be overcome and stay pregnant.
Make a very fine powder by taking 10 grams of all the ingredients like pipal, dry ginger, black pepper, and cobra saffron. Drink this powder with native ghee regularly in the evening for at least six months. Conception will definitely happen.
Dry the ripe fruit of peepal in the shade and make the powder and filter it with cloth. Give 10 grams of powder daily with lukewarm milk of cow to infertile woman. Consume it continuously for at least 15 days after the onset of menstruation.

Mixing asparagus, powdered ghee and milk together and taking it regularly for a few days ends the malformation of the uterus and gives maternal pleasure to a sterile woman.
Grind three grams of gorochan, 10 grams of gazepipal and 10 grams of unadulterated drugs and make fine powder by grinding them. From the fourth day of menstruation, drink powder with cow's milk for 5 consecutive days. The womb will definitely stop.
Grind 25 grams of fresh soft jata of peepal. Cook it in half a liter of milk. Sieve with 250 grams of milk left. Mix sugar and honey in it and start eating from the 5th day of menstruation. A sterile woman is also prevented from consuming regularly for at least ten days.
Making a decoction of basil seeds at the time of menstruation will definitely lead to pregnancy.
Grind the nutmeg and grind it and mix equal quantity of sugar candy in it. After menstruation, drink two spoons of powder continuously for three days.
Make equal amount of powder by grinding betel nut and Nagakesar. Drink 5-5 grams with water in it.
Sour sweet and spicy foods should be minimized.
In case of deficiency of hormones, consume the substances that balance those hormones.
Eat nutritious and balanced diet. Do regular exercise.

Infertility means maternity pleasures, causes and solutions
Deprivation of maternal pleasure or delayed attainment of maternal pleasure due to uterine disorders and deficiency of certain important hormones. Sometimes, abortion at a young age before marriage does not prevent pregnancy after marriage. Being unable to have a child is sterility.
Every part of the drumstick tree is beneficial in infertility. If an infertile woman uses any form of drumstick, then surely she will become pregnant and will not have to listen to taunts called infertile.
Dry jasmine root, Champa flower and cumin seeds and grind them to make powder. Three days before the start of menstruation, eat the powder and drink water from above. By taking it regularly for a few days, infertility will be overcome and stay pregnant.
Make a very fine powder by taking 10 grams of all the ingredients like pipal, dry ginger, black pepper, and cobra saffron. Drink this powder with native ghee regularly in the evening for at least six months. Conception will definitely happen.
Dry the ripe fruit of peepal in the shade and make the powder and filter it with cloth. Give 10 grams of powder daily with lukewarm milk of cow to infertile woman. Consume it continuously for at least 15 days after the onset of menstruation.

Mixing asparagus, powdered ghee and milk together and taking it regularly for a few days ends the malformation of the uterus and gives maternal pleasure to a sterile woman.
Grind three grams of gorochan, 10 grams of gazepipal and 10 grams of unadulterated drugs and make fine powder by grinding them. From the fourth day of menstruation, drink powder with cow's milk for 5 consecutive days. The womb will definitely stop.
Grind 25 grams of fresh soft jata of peepal. Cook it in half a liter of milk. Sieve with 250 grams of milk left. Mix sugar and honey in it and start eating from the 5th day of menstruation. A sterile woman is also prevented from consuming regularly for at least ten days.
Making a decoction of basil seeds at the time of menstruation will definitely lead to pregnancy.
Grind the nutmeg and grind it and mix equal quantity of sugar candy in it. After menstruation, drink two spoons of powder continuously for three days.
Make equal amount of powder by grinding betel nut and Nagakesar. Drink 5-5 grams with water in it.
Caution and rescue
Sour sweet and spicy foods should be minimized.
In case of deficiency of hormones, consume the substances that balance those hormones.
Eat nutritious and balanced diet. Do regular exercise.

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