योनि शिथिलता कारण और उपचार-Vaginal Dysfunction Causes And Treatment
प्रसव आदि कारणों से योनि शिथिल पड़ जाती है।
असुविधाजनक आसनों का प्रयोग , अतिवेग और लगातार तेज झटकों के साथ सहवास
करते रहने के कारण तथा पौष्टिक आहारों की कमी और शारीरिक दुर्बलता के
कारण योनि शिथिल और ढीली हो जाती है । जिनसे सहवास करते समय भगनासा पर कम घर्षण के कारण अपेक्षित आनंद नहीं आता है। और पति सहवास में रूचि नहीं ले पाता ।
भांग को कूट पीसकर महीन चूर्ण बना लें । इस चूर्ण को 5 -6 ग्राम एक महीन मलमल के सफ़ेद कपडे पर रखकरएक छोटी सी पोटली बना लें। इस पोटली को लम्बे धागे में बांध दें । पोटली को पानी में भिंगोकर योनि मार्ग के अंदर रखें । यह क्रिया रात को सोते समय करें । रात भर इसे योनि में पड़ा रहने दें। शुबह निकालकर फेंक दें । ऐसा कुछ दिनों तक नियमित करते रहने से योनि का ढीलापन और योनि शिथिलता समाप्त हो जाती है।

माजूफल का चूर्ण 30 ग्राम तथा फिटकिरी कपूर 3 -3 ग्राम पीसकर मिश्रण बना लें। इसे पोटली बना कर तथा भिंगोकर योनि मार्ग के अंदर रखें तथा रात भर इसे पड़ा रहने दें । शुबह इसे निकलकर फेंक दें। कुछ दिनों तक नियमित प्रयोग करने से योनि संकुचित जाती है।
2 ग्राम फिटकिरी को 100 ग्राम पानी में घोलकर नित्य इस पानी से योनि को अच्छी तरह धोवें । कुछ दिनों तक ऐसा करते रहने से योनि की शिथिलता दूर हो जाती है।
आंवला वृक्ष की छाल 24 घंटे पानी में भिंगो कर रख दें । फिर इस पानी को छानकर योनि को प्रतिदिन अच्छी तरह धोवें । कुछ दिनों तक नियमित प्रयोग से योनि की शिथिलता दूर हो जायेगी और योनि मार्ग संकुचित हो जाएगी
फिटकिरी की पानी से एक सप्ताह तक योनि को धोएं योनि सिकुड़कर पूर्वावस्था में आ जायेगा ।
Vaginal laxity occurs due to childbirth etc. Vaginal relaxation becomes loose and loose due to the use of uncomfortable rugs, coitus with excessive vigor and frequent strong tremors and lack of nutritious foods and physical debility. Which does not bring the expected pleasure due to less friction on the clitoris while mating. And the husband is not interested in sex.
Make a fine powder by grinding cannabis. Put this powder on a white cloth of 5 -6 grams of fine muslin and make a small bundle. Tie this bundle in a long thread. Soak the bundle in water and keep it inside the vaginal tract. Do this activity at night. Let it remain in the vagina overnight. Remove and discard. By regularizing this for a few days, vaginal loosening and vaginal dysfunction are eliminated.

Make a mixture by grinding 30 grams of almond powder and alum camphor 3 -3 grams. Make it bundle and soak it inside the vaginal tract and leave it overnight. Throw it out. Vagina is contracted by regular use for a few days.
Dissolve 2 grams of alum in 100 grams of water and wash the vagina thoroughly with this water. By doing this for a few days, vaginal dysfunction disappears.
Soak the bark of Amla tree in water for 24 hours. Then filter this water and wash the vagina well daily. With regular use for a few days the vaginal dysfunction will disappear and the vaginal tract will become compressed.
Wash the vagina for one week with alum water, the vagina will shrink and come back to its predecessor.
Vaginal Dysfunction Causes And Treatment
Vaginal laxity occurs due to childbirth etc. Vaginal relaxation becomes loose and loose due to the use of uncomfortable rugs, coitus with excessive vigor and frequent strong tremors and lack of nutritious foods and physical debility. Which does not bring the expected pleasure due to less friction on the clitoris while mating. And the husband is not interested in sex.
Make a fine powder by grinding cannabis. Put this powder on a white cloth of 5 -6 grams of fine muslin and make a small bundle. Tie this bundle in a long thread. Soak the bundle in water and keep it inside the vaginal tract. Do this activity at night. Let it remain in the vagina overnight. Remove and discard. By regularizing this for a few days, vaginal loosening and vaginal dysfunction are eliminated.

Make a mixture by grinding 30 grams of almond powder and alum camphor 3 -3 grams. Make it bundle and soak it inside the vaginal tract and leave it overnight. Throw it out. Vagina is contracted by regular use for a few days.
Dissolve 2 grams of alum in 100 grams of water and wash the vagina thoroughly with this water. By doing this for a few days, vaginal dysfunction disappears.
Soak the bark of Amla tree in water for 24 hours. Then filter this water and wash the vagina well daily. With regular use for a few days the vaginal dysfunction will disappear and the vaginal tract will become compressed.
Wash the vagina for one week with alum water, the vagina will shrink and come back to its predecessor.
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